translation tables for angular2

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The Translator holds the core functionality for this module. It is not only for translation also it provides functions for control structures. For example: when you want to know if the language got loaded or changed you need this class.

Translations can use params for dynamization (see Dynamize translations with params for more info).

The Public Properties

Name Type Access level Description
language string read/write The setter for this property is checking if the language is provided or not. If the language is not provided it does not change.
languageChanged Observable read The observer fires next when the language got changed. If you use translator manually (not the component or the pipe) you may want to update your translations on this event.
module string read The name of the module for this translator.

The Public Methods

Synchronous Methods

These methods allow you to use the translations without passing a callback. The drawback is of course that they only work when the translations got loaded. Often you need to wait till the translation table for the language got loaded.


public instant(key: string, params?: any, language?: string): string

Translates the key into language synchronously using params for interpolation. When the language is not loaded or the translation table does not have key it returns key - so make sure that the translation table is loaded before (e. g. by using waitForTranslation()):

expect(translator.instant('ISSUE_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS')).toEqual('in progress');

This method is used from every other method that follows (instantArray, search, translate, translateArray, translateSearch, observe, observeArray and observeSearch) and holds the basic functionality for translations.

Please note that the signature changed in version 2.3 and the usage with array of keys is deprecated now. For backward compatibility it is still supported but will be removed in version 3. Use instantArray() instead.


public instantArray(keys: string[], params?: any, language?: string): string[]

Translates keys into language synchronously using params for interpolation. Internally it is using instant for each key - so it returns the keys when the language is not loaded. The translations are returned in strictly the same order as the parameter keys.

expect(translator.instantArray(['KEY_1', 'KEY_2']))
    .toEqual(['translation for KEY_1', 'translation for KEY_2'])

This method got implemented to have a more strict interface - this method accepts only array of strings and returns an array of strings.

public search(pattern: string, params?: any, language?: string): object

Searches synchronously for translations that matches pattern and returns an object with translations for each match in language using params for interpolation. It removes common text from pattern from keys in the object:

    JAN: "January",
    FEB: "Februrary",
    MAR: "March",
    APR: "April",
    MAY: "May",
    "...": "and so on",

Prerequisite waitForTranslation

To make synchronous methods work you need to make sure the translation tables got loaded. For this propose we provide the following method:

public waitForTranslation(language?: string): Promise<void>

Waits for language to be loaded. If language is not given it loads the current language. Returns a promise that gets resolved once the language got loaded.

This method is not synchronous and when you are otherwise sure that the translations are loaded you can skip these method.

translator.waitForTranslation().then(() => {
    showButton(translator.instant('BUTTON_TEXT'), actionCallback);

function actionCallback() {
    // we know the translations are loaded here

Thenable Methods

These methods return a Promise that got resolved with the translation(s) once the translation table got loaded. Please note that the Promise gets resolved with the requested language (or current language at the time it was called) and can not be used again when the language changed.


public translate(key: string, params?: any, language?: string): Promise<string>

Translate key into language asynchronously using params for interpolation. If language is not given it uses the current language.

The promise always gets resolved. Even if the loader rejects and especially when the translation does not exist. In this case the promise get resolved with key.

translator.translate('STATUS_OPEN')  .then((translation) => this.translations['open']   = translation);
translator.translate('STATUS_CLOSED').then((translation) => this.translations['closed'] = translation);

Please note that the signature changed in version 2.3 and the usage with array of keys is deprecated now. For backward compatibility it is still supported but will be removed in version 3. Use translateArray() instead.


public translateArray(keys: string[], params?: any, language?: string): Promise<string[]>

Like translate but using instantArray for translating an array of keys.


public translateSearch(pattern: string, params?: any, language?: string): Promise<object>

Like translate but using search to search for translations matching the given pattern.

Observable Methods

These methods return an Observable that provides the translation(s) in the the current selected language. When the language got changed they receive the new value after the translation table got loaded.


public observe(key: string, params?: any): Observable<string>

Translate key into the current language using params for interpolation. Once the language got changed and the translation table got loaded the observer receives the translation for the newly selected language.

Like translate the observable always get’s a new value - even if the key the loader rejects to load the language and especially when the key does not exist in translation table.

translator.observe('STATUS_OPEN')  .subscribe((translation) => this.translations['open']   = translation);
translator.observe('STATUS_CLOSED').subscribe((translation) => this.translations['closed'] = translation);

Please note that the signature changed in version 2.3 and the usage with array of keys is deprecated now. For backward compatibility it is still supported but will be removed in version 3. Use observeArray() instead.


public observeArray(keys: string[], params?: any): Observable<string[]>

Like observe but using instantArray for translating an array of keys.


public observeSearch(pattern: string, params?: any): Observable<object>

Like observe but using search to search for translations matching the given pattern.

This has an interesting use case when you need multiple translations in a component. For example with statuses:

// translation table:
translations = {
  STATUS_OPEN: 'open',
  STATUS_TO_DO: 'to do',
  STATUS_IN_PROGRESS: 'in progress',
  STATUS_RESOLVED: 'resolved',
  STATUS_CLOSED: 'closed',

class Issue {
    private statusTranslations: { [key: string]: string };
    constructor(private translator: Translator) {
        translator.observeSearch('STATUS_*').subscribe((statusTranslations) => {
            this.statusTranslations = statusTranslations;
    get status(): string {
        // assume statusKey is one of ['OPEN', 'TO_DO', 'IN_PROGRESS', 'RESOLVED', 'CLOSED']
        return this.statusTranslations[this.statusKey];