translation tables for angular2

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The TranslationContainer is a container that holds all instances of Translator and creates new instances when needed.

It also has a property language where you can change the language for all contained Translator instances. To get this to work every module should have a subset of provided languages.

The Public Properties

Name Type Access level Description
language string read/write The setter for this property is checking if the language is provided in the root configuration or not. If the language is not provided it does not change.
languageChanged Observable read The observer fires next when the language got changed. All Translator instances subscribe to this Observable.

The Public Methods

getTranslator(module: string): Translator

One reason to use this class is to get a Translator for a specific module when you don’t want to overwrite the provider for Translator.

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';

import { Translator, TranslatorContainer } from 'angular-translator';

export class MyService {
  public translations: object = {};
  constructor(private translator: Translator, private translatorContainer: TranslatorContainer) {
    // this comes from default module (assets/i18n/.json)
    translator.translateArray(['STATUS_PENDING', 'STATUS_DONE']).then((translations) => {
        this.translations['STATUS_PENDING'] = translations[0];
        this.translations['STATUS_DONE'] = translations[1];
    // ['months.0', 'month.1', ...'month.11']
    let months = [...Array(12).keys()].map(function(i) { return 'month.'+i; });
    // this comes from 'calendar' module (assets/i18n/calendar/.json)
    translatorContainer.getTranslator('calendar').translate(months).then((months) => {
        this.translations['months'] = months;